Campus News

STUCO launches design competition to bolster school spirit

In the beginning of the year, Student Council promised a design competition to encourage school spirit. Approaching the end of the school year, STUCO finally arranged the submissions and organized an online voting system, exhibiting 26 novel designs from students in middle and high school. With the help of Dr. Peter Griffin, the Design Technology classmates also contributed by turning in their entries to this competition. According to Dr. Griffin, “Our design tech team’s entries were really good, so I think the students will really like the products.”

The Shark Book by Al Cheng

This notebook comes in several sizes, and is fully equipped with a “Go Sharks” blue ballpoint pen. From this combination, Al notes the convenience and resourcefulness of such product in enabling quick notes that promote efficient learning at any moment in our school life.

SMIC Letterman Jacket by Jessica Choi

This bright white and royal blue shaded hooded jersey jacket is lettered with “SMIC” on the left chest, bolstering school spirit by pointing out one’s school pride. Jessica recognizes that this letterman jacket “will provide an opportunity for students to wear school-related clothing both formally and casually”.

Jessica’s Letterman Jersey

Foldable Neck Pillow by Joseph Kim

Designed to comfortably wrap one’s neck, this neck pillow has another advantage of containing foldable edges for different people’s convenience. Going by the motto “Sharksy is the new sexy”, this pillow product is so comfortable that “you [would] even fall asleep in Rob Luo’s class!”

SMIC Hoodie by Cindy Huang

Cindy introduces an unbalanced royal blue design that coats the bottom half of the hoodie. The slanted “SMIC” lettering in both plain white and dark blue well-fits the design competition’s willingness to boost the students’ school spirit.

Cindy’s Shark Hoodie

Mavis proposes a bomber jacket engraved with “SHARKS” on the back with colors black, blue and maroon. The small logo on the sleeve enables students to show their school pride in a metaphorical manner.

Congratulations to all that participated in this competition! According to STUCO president Raphael Lee (12B), the first place winner’s design will be distributed as the following year’s children’s day present. Additionally, the second place winner will obtain the chance to sell their design products in the locker shop throughout the school year. Despite technical delays in this new project, student council recognized that the student body’s contribution and interest has rendered this project an innovative success, to which they hope that SMIC-I will bloom with students’ school pride.


Congratulations to the winners of the 2018 SMIC-I STUCO Design Competition!

First place: Mavis Goh’s Bomber Jacket

Second place: Esther Tak’s Laptop sleeve

Third place: Sydney Lin’s Sports leggings

Fourth: Jessica Choi’s Jacket and Jessie Wu’s Super Suit


For more information, visit the following website:


Featured Image Bomber’s jacket by Mavis Goh Courtesy of Jennifer Kwon.