
JV boys experience opening day loss vs. LAS boys

The JV Boys played their first game on Monday, October 29 against LAS in the Shark Tank. The two teams were evenly matched during the early periods of the game, but as the game went on, the JV boys’ lack of fitness began to show. They were soon fatigued, and were unable to match the LAS team’s energy and physical strength. As a result, LAS emerged victorious, beating the JV boys 48-18.  This game was an unfair matchup, since LAS has only one basketball team, meaning that the JV boys had to play against the LAS Varsity team. Most of their players had heights of 1.85 meters or higher, while only two players on the JV boys team could match their height. Furthermore, the JV boys were only starting to learn and adapt to Coach Kristian Dumicic’s tactics, as well as learning to work together as a team. They will need to learn quickly from their performance to be fully prepared for the upcoming season. “We had too many turnovers, and these turnovers often led [us to concede] two or three points. [Our] defense wasn’t really good [and] we have to [work on boxing] out our opponents for rebounds,” commented Jeff Shan (9C), a JV player. “We  need to [focus on communicating more with each other], [because] sometimes we [didn’t] know where [other] players [wanted] the ball,” added Max Jin (9C), another JV player, “Our defense and [our passing] also have to [improve], and [we need to] raise [our] shooting accuracy and free throw percentage.” This game was only a friendly match, and it was the first time that the JV boys were playing together. Max is confident that as the season progresses, their performances will improve, stating, “[We] will [get] better [over] the season.”
On November 19, SMIC JV teams will play against Concordia. The both girls and boys will travel to Concordia to play their games, while the Shark Tank will be hosting the Varsity girls and boys match against CISS. Let’s attend these games and support our fellow Shark athletes!
Feature Image – The JV boys playing hard against the LAS boys. Courtesy of Andy Shi
by Andy Kim