Campus News

Winter Formal: A short trip down memory lane

On December 14, 2019, high school Student Council (STUCO) hosted the annual, much anticipated Winter Formal dance. This year, the theme of was “Frozen in Time” and was hosted in a club downtown in LuJiaZui, called Lucky Seven. The event was held from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM where everyone felt that they could get lost in the moment and relax, even if just for a few hours. The electrifying music helped to relieve stress from projects, tests, and college applications as students danced to the songs with their friends.

A view of Lucky Seven Photo courtesy of Ritthick Kaleswaran (9B)

The venue chosen this year consisted of a second floor roof that overlooked the skylines of the bustling city. Even though the weather was cold to the point where it could make your teeth chatter, people still found themselves enjoying every second of the open air and the magnificent view upstairs.

Max Zhang (12B) and Stella Chung (12C) crowned King and Queen of Winter Formal 2019 Photo courtesy of Wynston Wong (10A)

As students made their way downstairs after enjoying the view, they were greeted by a gush of warm air and booming music. A highlight of the night included the singing performances by Singing Club. Although the entire night consisted of wild dance moves and gossip of who looked the absolute best at Winter Formal, an unforgettable part of the event was when a large crowd gathered towards the stage and jumped along to a playlist consisting of nostalgic songs. After a short while of dancing and singing along to songs like “YMCA” by Village People and “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen, it was finally time to announce the King, Queen, Prince, and Princess of Winter Formal 2019. Roaring cheers replaced the previous drumrolls and silence when the Prince and Princess, Chester Poon (11C) and Yeseo Jeon (10A), and King and Queen, Max Zhang (12B) and Stella Chung (12C) were presented on stage. Shortly after that, the aura shifted as couples made their way to the dance floor and slow danced to several romantic songs. The rest of the event was a blur, but towards the very end, a fitting final song, “We Are Young” by Fun/Janelle Monae was blasted out to end the long but exciting night.

Winter Formal 2019 was a blast for many, whether it be the nostalgia that kept hitting people in the face like a truck with a playlist full of throwbacks, or simply being able to spend time with friends. Shark Scholar looks forward to what Winter Formal 2020 will look like, and what STUCO has in store for everyone in the following years!

Featured Image — Lucky Seven, Venue of Winter Formal 2019 Courtesy of Ritthick Kaleswaran (9B)

by Sara Tee