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Students showcase their films at Foreign Movie Festival​​

The Foreign Movie Festival took place in the first floor auditorium on April 11. Dozens of Spanish and French students cooperated to create their own, unique movie. The films involved a specific theme and life lesson, such as: knowing the importance of friendship, managing time well to avoid procrastination, and not jumping to conlcusions. There were awards for the best actor and actress, best accent, best poster, above and beyond, and best movie awards.

Jenny Seo (11C) was one of the actresses and creators of the Spanish film, “The Tragedy of Chicken Leg.” She won the Best Spanish Accent Award, and her team won the Best Spanish Movie Award. The film that her group made is about the importance of friendship; two friends trying to make up after a fight. Her role in creating the film was to brainstorm ideas for the story, writing parts of the script, and appearing as one of the characters who gave good advice to the main character. The life lesson of their movie is to cherish friendship. Jenny stated that “It is nothing too heavy, so when you fight with your friends, make-up immediately. If you did something wrong, apologize.” She read and practiced her script many times for her to become the best accent actress. For improvements, she thinks better preparation and communication would be nice. Preparing a fully charged camera on the filming day is also important because the lack of battery on the team’s camera created a shortage of time.

Cindy Ji (11C) was also the member of the team who won the Best French Movie award. Her film was about a dystopian society where freedom of speech was restricted, and she acted as the prisoner that pursued freedom of speech. Cindy designed the poster and wrote a part of the script. She thinks that collaboration with her teammates led them to the winning of the award. Next time, Cindy stated that she could have improved her Photoshop skills for the movie poster. Cindy expressed, “I didn’t intend to aim for [the] best movie [award], but my groupmates were really motivating.”

Featured Image – Students watching films during the Film Festival Photo Courtesy of Erin Chang

by: Justina Kim