Campus News

Our school undergoes sweeping summer changes

Over the summer, a few changes were introduced to the SMIC Private School. As you walk through the halls, you’ll notice that the locker area has added a variety of new furniture. Venture towards the auditoriums and discover their complete makeovers. Take a peek at the arts hall and find a completely renovated area.

The first floor locker area now has vastly different furniture. Gone are the grey tables and wooden benches. In their places, there are colourful and comfortable couches for the students to lounge on, surrounded by bar-like tables for students to do homework on. Additionally, the lockers themselves have been replaced to match the colour of the new couches and walls, albeit with more storage space. Walking through the locker area, one should also be able to feel the breeze of the brand new air conditioners flowing past. “I really like how it’s more colourful than before and that we’ve now got more space to chill on,” said Albert Tan-Mulligan (12B), “Now, I can take naps whenever and wherever I want.”

Another change are the auditoriums—both first and second floor. During assemblies, students can now enjoy new seats to listen to news and major announcements. In the second floor auditorium, in addition to the new seats, cafe-like seats have also been added in the back half.

The art and music hall has also enjoyed similar renovations, embracing the colour-filled, wooden style similar to the locker area and auditorium. The same type of air conditioners as the locker area have also been added. Although the exterior has changed, the interior of the rooms themselves remain the same.

“It was a long process, [and] a good example of how sometimes things take a lot longer than you think they would,” said SA Director Bethany Bates, “But in the end the wait was definitely worth it”.


6 thoughts on “Our school undergoes sweeping summer changes

  • More photos to illustrate this story would be appreciated by us SMIC (faculty) alumni who are living overseas and can’t travel back to see the changes in person.

    • Matthew Wang

      Hey Mr. Sittig,

      I’m definitely going to add some more pictures after the break! Thank you for reading 🙂

  • Coach Canfield

    I’m glad to see the pics and read a little about The continued improvement of SMIC.

    • Matthew Wang

      Thanks Mr. Canfield! Glad to see your comment.

    • Matthew Wang

      My pleasure! Hope you can come back to visit some day.

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