Monochromatic Art: Middle School

An example picture of Monochromatic Art
Student Art in SMIC
Our school provides a variety of art courses for students to showcase their creativity and artistic talent. Last week, the middle school students worked on a type of art called monochromatic art. Monochromatic art, often involving the use of a single color in varying shades, captivated the attention of students, teachers, and visitors alike.
Ms.Coco, who is in charge of middle school art shared some artworks with me. She mentioned that, “I am proud of what the students have accomplished throughout this course. It sure was a challenging task because working with a limited color is not easy, but I am satisfied to see improvements from students.”

A collection of students’ Monochromatic Art
The artworks were very diverse, handling different subjects from people, nature, to culture. Ms. Coco chose some artworks that were very well drawn. All these five artworks have a depth and vibrant painting even though the color used was very limited. This shows how the students have understood and was able to apply the knowledge very well. We are looking forward some talented, passionate artists in our campus. If anyone is interested go to the art room and check out some students’ artworks!