Importance of Self-Confident
What is self-confidence?
Self-confidence is a mindset you have on your abilities and talents. It shows that you embrace who you are and that you feel in control of your life. You have a good self-image and have an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. You have the confidence to speak up and take criticism positively.

Why is it important?
1.Confidence is linked to good health
Studies have shown that confident people tend to live longer. This is because when one I confident, they will have a good mood for the day. It can bring positive emotions such as happiness and satisfaction. A lack of confidence may lead to negative health behaviors such as smoking and drinking too much alcohol.

2. Confidence improves relationships
Confident people are less dependent on other people’s approval. This allows them to solve conflicts easily and end the relationship if necessary. In addition, confident people are more likely to establish their own boundaries and stay strong even when others try to break them.

Work Cited
- Soken-Huberty, Emmaline. “15 Reasons Why Confidence Is Important.” Open Education Online, 21 July 2023,,%238.%20Confidence%20helps%20increase%20personal%20resilience%20…%20%E6%9B%B4%E5%A4%9A%E9%A1%B9%E7%9B%AE.
- Florida, University of South. “Top Concerns.” What Is Self-Confidence?, Accessed 11 Dec. 2023.