Captivating Student Art Displayed on First Floor
By: Chloe Kang
The first floor in front of the music and the art room, the art class is currently showcasing the stunning artwork of our talented students. Inspired by the renowned German expressionist artist, Käthe Kollwitz, these students have taken on the challenge of using print-making techniques to bring their own unique visions to life.
With the guidance of the art teacher, students worked hard to improve their ability to sketch realistic facial proportions. They carefully worked to perfect each of the elements that would give their self-portrait ideas life over multiple practice sessions. Students transferred their designs on a linoleum block using carbon paper to ensure precision in their work.

What really stands out in the artwork is not just the technical skill but also its apparent personal development and connection. Each student’s self-portrait reflects their path of self- discovery as well as their ability for interpreting and understanding the world around them. It is great to display these extraordinary artworks from many talented artists in SMIC. Personally, I hope this kind of display continues all year so that both the staffs and the students gets an opportunity to view these variety of art pieces.