Campus News

Lights, camera, action: A drama performance you can’t miss!

Have you ever dreamed of going to New York City where Broadway all began? Watching a drama performance or a musical is at the top of a lot of bucket lists out there to say the least. Good thing our very own SMIC Theater will be having a remarkable drama performance on Friday, November 22, 2019, from 7PM — 8:30PM! Both Drama Class and Drama Club will be coming together to perform How to Screw up Your College Interview, a comedy written by Ian McWethy and directed by the school’s drama advisor, Mrs. Sharon Ma. Not only will this performance make you sit at the very edge of your seat howling with laughter, it will also make you anticipate what more is to come from SMIC Theater. You might even be getting a glimpse of a few talented students on a journey to becoming a successful actor or actress!

Isaac Ma (11B) and Andy Zhou (11B) expressing themselves on stage Photo courtesy of Iris Jiang (12B)

When it comes to a big performance, what lies behind the finalized act is a whole lot of determination and effort. Though the acting may seem natural and effortless, it sure isn’t easy for performers to master. It takes a lot of effort and dedication from the director as well. Mrs. Ma mentioned that for each drama performance, the show is cast a month ahead the actual performance date, and students spend every day practicing immediately after. There are also tasks that Mrs. Ma has to deal with on a regular basis, like getting all of the background equipment set up correctly and in the right places. Furthermore, the actual script itself had to be selected from a variety of option months in advance and that daunting task fell on her as well. To Mrs. Ma, backstage prepping is one of the most important obstacles that the class has to master as it takes time to get objects set up behind the scenes, and set design is often essential to the act. Despite the heavy responsibilities that Mrs. Ma holds, however, she finds that what she does is extremely rewarding. The creative process of producing a play is the best part to her, along with the students who come into Drama Class or Drama Club being shy, but they burst with enthusiasm once they’re onstage—she loves how it’s a way for students to reveal their true selves.

Morris Yu (9A) and Ian Kim (12C) indulging in a conversation Photo courtesy of Iris Jiang (12B)

The learning process in drama differs from many other classes. Joy Tang (11C), acknowledged, “Unlike other common classes, theater is more of an interactive and hands-on way of learning. We learn through experience rather than simply notetaking.” Of course, when there are tasks given to students, difficulties ensue. Joy continued by commenting, “The biggest struggle I had to go through was managing my time between my lines…and my courses.” However, she also mentioned that something that strikes her is how they are still able to work together to create any production, despite all the stress and potential problems. Ian Kim (12C) also agreed with Mrs. Ma on the fact that Drama Class is a place where people can express themselves on stage, and he added, “I love the atmosphere and how students can be extremely active.”

If you are an aspiring actor or actress who has hopes of a bright acting career, here are four simple words from Mrs. Ma that you should make a mental note of: Just go for it. Mrs. Ma says that the key to a successful acting career is to start small and build every year. One easy way to achieve that is to simply join Drama Club and start gaining acting experience! That being said, even if you do not have dreams of becoming a performer anytime in the near future, the upcoming drama performance is one that you definitely should not miss. Ian stated that the show “teaches adults and students about college admissions and high school life. Not only is this very educational but is also comedic, adding humour for the audience for a great night.” No matter if you’re a middle school student looking forward to your high school years, a senior who is stressed out about college applications, or an adult who has been there and done that, this is the show for you. Mark up your calendars for November 22, 2019, 7PM — 8:30PM` because you do not want to miss out on this spectacular production.

Featured Image — Poster for How to Screw up Your College Interview Courtesy of Ryan Shen (12A)

by Sara Tee