Campus News

The World of Counselors

The SAT, ACT, PSAT, MAP and WrAP; they all have one thing in common, two things in common if you include how annoying standardized testing is, but the other way these three tests are related is through a group of four individuals—our counselors! The counseling department of SMIC-I has been a valuable part of every student’s life, ranging from character development, social skills, to every senior’s dream: college counseling. This small but influential office consists of the department head Mr. Keith Seig, Mr. Phil Chu, Ms. Blessing Nicholas (known as Ms. Blessing), and Ms. Danielle Dully (known as Ms. Danielle).

When the office was interviewed about their backgrounds and profession, it was surprising and heart-warming. Mr. Seig and the office as a whole had a very similar beginning when it came to their involvement with teaching.

“I first started as a subject teacher at a school I worked at before, but [around] 2000, I [went to] Saipan and [took] the job of a school counselor,” Mr. Sieg said.

Ms. Blessings spoke about how she had the opportunity to work in Baltimore’s school district. Ms. Danielle added words of wisdom when it came to her description of the student body. “I can see the [academic drive] in the students…having the qualities of respect, citizenship, and responsibility is very [heartwarming].” Mr. Chu added on, stating that “SMIC students are very resourceful with [what they are given] and will make the best with what [they have].”

Ms. Danielle said that she and the rest of the office would recommend the job to “anyone who has the traits of empathy, compassion, and the will to help others.” They also believe that a potential counselor should also “open, nice, and outgoing.”

Ms. Dully’s wall of inspiration encouraging students to become persons of character Courtesy of Samuela Ma’u (9B)

Shark Scholar also went around campus to ask students what they loved about the counselors. Irene Chen (10A) said that “They are always there for us when we need help [in] our lives [and] emotional [support].” She went on to say that “… [the] skills we learn in [life skills] are very useful, and it allows me to think about what [I can] do to make myself a better person.”

Timothy Lin (12C) couldn’t hold in his excitement, saying that his favorite part about the counselors is “how enthusiastic they always are to help students.” He went on to say, “As a senior, I’m always asking them for help as I apply to college. Even though there’s 62 of us seniors, the counselors are always happy to help, often reaching out to us to ensure that we’re making progress. The counselors do so much for us students… [they] give up countless weekends to help us organize standardized test and even forgo summer breaks to write each and everyone one of us a recommendation letter… THANK YOU to our counselors, who are always watching over us and always understanding when we’re stressed at school.”

Jessica Jeong (9B) said that her favorite part about the counselors is that “they are always open to help us when we need [help], and [they] make us feel [safe] when [telling] them about my personal life.” She went on to say with gratitude, “Thank you to [the] counselors, because when I get tired or lost, they are the ones that help me relocate myself and have self-confidence!”

Andy Kim (11A) said, “The counselor’s tireless actions to continuously support our students genuinely surprises me. Their selfless actions [assisting] students take care of trivial matters is something I don’t think I could do when hundreds of students’ lives depend on them.” Andy also had a special note for Mr. Seig and Mr. Chu saying that “their actions are invaluable—without them, this school would fall apart… helping me fill out PSAT forms, answer mundane questions, and complete monotonous housekeeping work—are all things that require a big heart and infinite charity. From all of us at SMIC, thank you.”

The counseling department has done many great things that have impacted the students of SMIC-I greatly. From everyone that is or has been with SMIC-I, thank you for your dedication!

Featured Image—Ms. Blessing and Ms. Danielle work tirelessly during their lunch break Courtesy of Samuela Ma’u (9B)

by Samuela Ma’u