
Students are preparing for the Film Festival

The Spanish and French Film festival is taking place on April 11th and students are giving their best efforts in order to create great videos. Students who take French or Spanish have been preparing for this event since the Winter break.

During the preparation process, student groups first thought of a simple story plot with a meaningful moral that is to be communicated to their audience. Then, group members chose their roles, picking from positions such as the Movie Director, Movie Editor, Prop-Costume-Places Director, Script Editor, or Movie Poster Director. After confirming their responsibilities, students delved into writing the first draft of the script. The script was then given to the teachers for edits and feedback. After the students revised the script according to the teacher’s advice, they had to produce a mock film. A mock film is different from the final film in that students do not have to wear their costumes, do not have to bring props, and do not have to memorize their lines. Finally, after all this is done, students started recording their final film.

Yolanda Jia (9A), who is taking Spanish 1, is currently working on a film called “Procrastinar es Malo.” She is both an actor and the poster director in the group. Yolanda said that “this project would definitely be helpful for me to have more opportunities to practice my Spanish speaking skills.” Also, Stephanie Lee (10C) in French 1, who is a director of the film called “Attention!” said that she believes this film festival “is helpful since [students] need to write stories in French and speak French with one another without reading.” The Film festival allows students to improve their language fluency throughout the filming process.

When asked about their overall thoughts and expectations about the film festival, Yolanda answered that she “expects the film festival to be attractive and could also be a chance to introduce new languages to other students.” Meanwhile, Stephanie answered that she “is looking forward to watching films from different groups.”

If there are students who are interested in learning Spanish or French, please go visit the Film Festival and enjoy the fun videos prepared.

Featured ImageStudents working on their film Photo Courtesy of Candy Park

by Candy Park