Campus News

JBC’s November broadcasting video

In the making of the November monthly video, Journalism Broadcasting Club finalized their product by conducting multiple interviews that followed the organization and execution of each school event. This month’s video follows Spirit Week, Giving Tree, school sports games, and an additional encouragement for the seniors working on college applications.
Spirit Week, conducted by members of Student Council, consists of a theme for each day, and students and teachers were to dress accordingly. Both the elementary and middle high school students had Spirit Week, but JBC only covered high school. On Monday, high school students wore anything that showcased their SMIC-I shark spirit. Tuesday was twin day where people wore matching clothes with their friends. The next day, Wednesday, was Halloween, and everyone came to school in their own creative costumes. Thursday was mismatch day where people wore anything that did not usually go together, such as mismatching socks and shoes. The last day, Friday, was baggy day, and students and teachers came to school in oversized clothes. Students also wore pajamas. There was a competition where the class with the most participation earned bean bags. The class with the majority of its students participating in Spirit Week was 9B.

Students participating in Spirit Week Photo Courtesy of JBC

The second portion of the video covers the Giving Tree project, in which many students and teachers volunteered for the packing party and the distribution party. Community Service Club (CSC) hosted this entire project and organized the two parties. Utilizing an assembly line, volunteers packed hundreds of gifts and daily necessities into bags for students in isolated areas that needed them. This event was meant to share joy and happiness to the ones who could not afford certain necessities. SMIC-I has been contributing to this organization for years and goes to a local rural schools every year annually in order to help donate to the students.

Distribution party in Suzhou for Giving Tree Project Photo Courtesy of JBC

In the sports section, JBC covered the school’s basketball and table tennis teams. JBC included interviews of two coaches for basketball and table tennis. Coach Cook, varsity boys’ basketball coach, proudly stated in his interview, “So far, we are undefeated, and we have the best defense in our league. [The] goal is to win the championship this year which I think is attainable.” He added that he loves “dimes,” which is getting assists. On the other hand, Coach Neema, the table tennis coach, suggested improvements by remarking, “We finally figured out the table tennis tables [could] come together as a team. So, I think we could improve more if we had one area where we just called it table tennis practice area.” He also expressed his passion toward table tennis by stating that, “You can use your brain more than your physical attributes which makes this a unique sport.”

Basketball Varsity team watching their game Photo Courtesy of JBC

Finally, as it is college application season, Mr. Chu, the counseling office teacher, gave advice and encouragement to the seniors sy saying “… do the best you can, meet those deadlines and remember, the important thing is to relax and do the best you can because it’s about finding the best fit school, not the best school.”
JBC is going to display the video in the locker area during the third week of December. Justina Kim (11A) and Kayla Kim (11B) were in charge of the production of this video, combining pictures and interviews of students and teachers of SMIC-I.

Featured image- JBC thumbnail for the monthly broadcasting video Photo Courtesy of JBC

by: Justina Kim

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