
New Wellness Committee starts Biggest Winner Challenge

According to Coach Wesley Davis, “Teaching is one of the most important professions in the world, as we are responsible for the next generation of CEO’s, Presidents, and possible Nobel Prize Winners. However, it can also be one of the most exhaustive and health-sacrificing professions as well.” In order to endow students with a healthy education, teachers themselves also need to maintain a healthy body and mind to keep up with their demanding schedules. At SMIC-I, “In order to promote health and wellness within the teachers, Dr. Kelley Ridings and the senior administration have “endorsed a Wellness Committee.” Their first initiative, led by Coach Davis, is “The Biggest Winner Challenge”.

“The Biggest Winner Challenge” is a friendly health competition dedicated to motivate teachers into creating healthier habits and lifestyles. Their goals may vary anywhere from quitting midnight snacking habits to maintaining long-term muscle-building. Coach Davis said, “It is not just about weight loss,” but is a program that helps hone the mind and body holistically through careful planning and persistent implementations. Since this is a highly personal competition, the list of teachers accepting this challenge is highly confidential. However, Coach Davis has expressed how fascinating it was for many of the participating teachers to have achieved their goals already. He hopes that more teachers will join in and work together to achieve healthy life-long habits.

The ESLRs are often times deemed only applicable to students; however, Coach Davis points out that they are also important to the teachers. Students and teachers equally undergo demanding schedules, making it crucial for both of them to spend some time de-stressing their mental and physical self through quick exercises and healthy habits.

SMIC-I’s teachers not just individuals who educate students about a school course; instead, they are also exemplars, from which students learn to behave, keep healthy habits, and maintain a strong mind. Whether you are a student or a teacher, Coach Davis realizes that both groups struggle from the intense workload in school. With this in mind, Coach Davis reiterates, “You only have one body and mind, so it is very important to take care of both; to be the healthiest and happiest person you can be.” Coach Davis hopes to see similar health programs roll out to the student population in the future, because these activities are simultaneously “fun, cooperative, and involve positive goal-settings.”

2 thoughts on “New Wellness Committee starts Biggest Winner Challenge

  • vincent

    Sad that seniors won’t be able to attend such activities in the future

    • Jennifer Kwon

      It surely is a sad thing to get to know this challenge at so late a time. However, I think that this will become a great opportunity for the future SMIC-I students to become healthy individuals through and through.

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