Campus News

Community Service Club introduces Charity Week

From April 23rd to 27th, SMIC-I Community Service Club (CSC) held a new ‘Charity Week’ event. Although it was not an easy decision for CSC to organize a whole new event that they have never done before, “CSC decided to have this charity week in order to raise awareness of different social issues and educate the SMIC community about them,” said Sally Park (11A), CSC officer.

In order to educate SMIC students on several different social issues, CSC members grouped themselves into four different sectors: animal welfare, medical care and orphans, human trafficking, and environmental issues. Other than these four groups, CSC officer members also worked toward inviting outside charity organizations to visit and make their own booth on the ‘charity day’, which was held on Friday.

Each CSC group members were involved with this event by raising money to donate by selling several products they have made or even sang songs that had lyrics related to social issues during recess and gathered people’s interest on this charity event.

Small events that were held on Monday to Thursday during recess and lunch were basic advertisements made to attract people for Friday’s ‘Charity Day.’ On Friday after school, every CSC groups and outside charity organizations have set up their own booth and raised awareness of different social issues by conducting activities related to social awareness.

“Even though it was the first time holding the charity fair it turned out to be really successful. A lot of students and teachers participated in the fair and learned about different organizations and social issues,” Sally said. Because of this, with the efforts that the CSC members have put in this event, CSC was able to hold a successful charity event.

Featured Image – Charity Fair Booth Courtesy of Candy